Buying Algo using FIAT - CEXs guide

This tutorial will guide you through all the necessary steps for buying ALGO with fiat money using a centralized exchange (CEX) like Kucoin.

The following guide is not advice or recommendation for buying, borrowing or selling your assets, please, before using Folks Finance make your searches and read the disclaimer.

This tutorial will guide you through all the necessary steps for buying Algo with FIAT money using a centralized exchange (CEX) like

Step 1. Sign Up

  1. Click on Sign Up

2. Choose if sign up through your Phone number or Email and insert your data

Step 2. Individual KYC Verification

To buy cryptocurrencies with FIAT you must complete the KYC verification. This video will guide you through the steps to complete it

Step 3. Buy cryptocurrencies

Step 4. Once you have your USDT you can swap them for ALGO.

Step 5. Now you can withdraw your ALGO into your Algorand wallet. Haven't got one yet? Follow this guide.

Step 6. Now you are ready to interact with Folks Finance, let's start.

Last updated