
The liquidation mechanism ensures the protocol’s safety by liquidating undercollateralized debts.

Liquidation Margin


The Liquidation margin should give you an indication of how close you are to being liquidated. The closer the value is to zero the closer the liquidation


The liquidators are bots used by third parties that detect the undercollateralized position and liquidate them. The liquidation can be operated on the whole amount of the loan position or just a part of it. Liquidators are incentivized to purchase the collateral at a lower price at the borrower's expense.

Folks Finance runs the community liquidators. The total profits from this operation are deposited into the community treasury.

An open-source SDK package is published on the official Folks Finance GitHub to allow anyone to build their own liquidator.


Due to collateral fluctuation or unpaid interest, the Liquidation Margin reaches the value of zero. So, the liquidator:

1.1 - asks for liquidation

1.2 - repays the borrowed amount plus the accrued interest

1.3 - receives the amount of fToken used as collateral by the borrower

2.1 - sends the fToken to the protocol

2.2 - receives the amount of token originally deposited by the borrower plus the interest accrued

Last updated